Tuesday Tips: Sleep Better at Night (Part III)

Tuesday Tips: Sleep Better at Night (Part III)

In the last two weeks, we have spoken about different foods to eat or drink or avoid for better sleep, and how to create a better environment that is conducive to for quality sleep. Along with these, there are a few daytime habits that you can develop to help you sleep well at night.

• Expose yourself to bright sunlight during the day, and take work-breaks outside if possible. This helps your sleep-wake cycle because melatonin, the sleep hormone, is sensitive to light. The more exposure you have to natural light, the less is the melatonin produced, allowing you to stay awake.
• Try and exercise for at least 20 minutes. Regular physical exercise on a daily basis can help you sleep better.
• Avoid napping. Sleeping for long at odd times during the day makes us drowsy and can interfere with our sleep at night. Allow yourself a maximum of 20 minutes power-nap in the early afternoon, which is just enough to refresh yourselves.

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