Our Best Mental Health Tips!

Our Best Mental Health Tips!

Nowadays, Mental Health is a prevailing topic of discussion. Mental health these days is like a virus, it is increasing day by day. Mental health is a state of well-being characterized by emotional, psychological, and social well-being that enables individuals to face the normal stresses of life and live life to their full potential. Just as physical fitness keeps our bodies strong, mental fitness helps us to achieve a state of good mental health.

Our mental health tips determines how we think, feel and act and it ranges from mild to severe.  Good mental health is when you feel positive about yourself and cope well with everyday pressures and stress. People facing mental health problems often face stigma, which can prevent them from seeking help and create hindrances in their recovery. If you are experiencing issues dealing with daily problems, it may be a sign of a mental health issue and should be addressed immediately.

Our mental health tips will be easier for some and difficult for others.  Trying new things can sometimes feel uncomfortable at first but they usually get easier with practice:
  • Talk openly about your condition: – Many people bottle things inside themselves and try to contain deep emotional truths. It can take a considerable amount of courage to reveal to another person our hang-ups or to present ourselves truthfully.

Talking about difficult emotions with the support one trusts can be helpful. Talking may help change the way one thinks and feel about a situation, so it can be a relief. Communicating with someone we care about may also strengthen our relationship with them and make bringing them to our side of an issue more likely.

  • Get closer to nature– We all live with imperfections, worries, fears, and losses that leave us sad and make us feel stressed.

Nature can make people feel calmer, more hopeful, and less lonely. It is very important to spend time in nature or even just sit and view nature. This can reduce anger, fear, and stress and increase positive feelings.

  • Learn to understand and manage your feelings– Feeling extremely sad can interfere with our lives, making it hard to think clearly or work well, relax, study, sleep or deal with other people or relationships.

Sometimes we are not sure about our feelings. Is it anxiousness, sadness fear, shame, loneliness or anger? We may be confused about ourselves and our feelings.

Naming what we’re feeling can be helpful. So, we can say to ourselves: “I’m not only very irritated today but also sad.” Another helpful step can be finding the reason behind our sad mood. What has led to us feeling this way – it might be a disagreement or disappointment or an argument that we’ve had.

It is also important to talk kindly to ourselves, in the same manner, that we might reassure a small child who we care about. It can be very comforting. We might feel uncomfortable at the beginning but give it a go – it might just help. Talking kindly to ourselves is essential. Note down of one’s feelings in a diary or a phone.

  • Eat healthy food– Food and drink affect our bodies, brains, and mood. So try and eat healthy food.

We may find sugary snacks and drinks tempting. They can give us a temporary “high” or sense of comfort but they soon leave us feeling exhausted or jittery.

Caffeine in coffee or energy drinks can also have this effect. Hence it is very important to have a balanced diet, with lots of vegetables and fruits to maintain physical and mental health.

How we eat is also important. It is found that having meals with other people can help to grow relationships – with family, friends, partners, and colleagues. This is important in protecting everyone’s mental health and preventing problems. Along with food, good feelings are developed. Some people eat too much or too little when they are upset. At such times, it is better we take help by talking to someone we trust or get professional support if we need it.

  • Be curious and open-minded to new experiences- We can all get stuck in various ways, like how we spend our time and what we think about ourselves and the world. – rephrase the sentence – its so confusing – now sure what you are saying

This can be self-fulfilling, with our expectations influencing what happens, for good or bad. Sometimes we are in a sad mood and we tell ourselves “Things never get better” or “I’m useless”, as a response to what others have said to us.

At such times, we should think positively and tell ourselves “I can change things for the better” and “there is so much I can do”.

Life will be more interesting, lively, and rewarding when we are open to trying new experiences and experiencing new ventures.

It could be as simple as what we have for breakfast or the route we take when we go for a walk with the dog. It could also need some planning, like an adventure holiday. We might find a new place that we fall in love with, discover a new hidden talent we didn’t know we had, or meet someone new who becomes a very important person in our life.

  • Plan things to look forward to Life throws all sorts at us.???? There are times when we may feel hopeless and not have the energy to plan for the future.

Having things to look forward to, be it activities which we enjoy and can help us cope with difficult situations.

Planning for things we enjoy can increase our sense of hope, which is important for our mental health. Our plan could be for anything from small pleasures, like a cup of tea or your adorable TV program or dance class, to a trip with family or friends, or going to see a movie, sports team, or listening to some music.

Whether it’s a small task or a big one, the important thing is to plan it.

Always decide what needs to be done, when and with whom, and, if needed book it. It’s important to follow your plan and go according to it.

Get more from your sleep– Anyone who has been deprived of sleep will know what a difference it makes to our body, our mind, and ability to cope with life.

Sometimes we sleep badly and some of us live in situations that make a good night’s sleep impossible.

Many people are deprived of sleep and do not get good sleep when they are suffering from Mental health.

Generally, adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night, including enough dreaming sleep and enough deeper sleep.

If you’re struggling with your sleep, bring about these simple changes:

Few pointers:

  • Develop a relaxing bedtime routine before you go to sleep.
  • Avoid TV and mobile screens, alcohol, and caffeine before going to bed. Also, one should avoid vigorous exercise before bed.
  • Go to bed and get up at around the same time every day. You can sleep a little more on weekends.

We all can do it every day with simple activities that help us feel good, this way we’re better equipped to cope with life.

Stay tuned to this space for more tips and insights.


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