Green Tea

Green Tea

With most celebrities and health and wellness experts endorsing Green Tea, its popularity among people across the world has increased ten-fold. But is it worth switching to Green Tea? Is it hype or truth? Let us understand Green Tea and its benefits and side-effects (if any) and make an informed decision about adding it to our lifestyle!

Tea has been a popular drink for ages in countries like India, China and Japan; however, Green tea has been native to Japan and China. Like all types of tea, even Green Tea is made from the dried leaves of Camellia sinensis; what differentiates the kind of tea is the level of oxidation of these leaves. Green tea is the least processed type of tea and is made from unoxidised leaves. As a result, it contains antioxidants and polyphenols in abundance.

Studies suggest that Green Tea is beneficial as it positively affects skin health and weight loss and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. But, before we get to any conclusions, let us see its benefits and side effects.

Why is Green Tea good?

1. Lower ‘LDL’ or bad cholesterol: Studies have shown green tea protect the existing LDL particles from oxidation. Oxidised LDL can cling to artery walls causing blood clots and high blood pressure. However, Green tea may lower the risk of various cardiovascular ailments because of the antioxidants present in abundance.

2. Great for Weight Loss: Green Tea or any tea for that matter are relatively low in calories. As a result, replacing sugar based carbonated drinks with green tea should help with weight loss. Few studies also show a slight increase in metabolism, which allows our body to burn fat more quickly.

3. Cancer prevention and reduce blood sugar levels: Some of the research conducted suggests consumption of green tea helps in the prevention of cancer. However, the results have been inconclusive to support these claims. Similarly, the claim that green tea helps in improving insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugars too have mixed results. The claims could be based on the fact that catechins, the compounds found in the plants (tea), are antioxidants, which binds the harmful free radicals to neutralise them. This, in turn, prevents inflammation and cell damage that causes various illnesses.

The effects of Green Tea are often mild, and hence it should not be used as a replacement for medicines. Also, the amount of tea consumed varies from one study to another.

Side effects of Green Tea:

Like everything, green tea, too, have few side effects. Let us discuss those now.

1. Green tea, as discussed earlier, is rich in antioxidants, but excess intake of antioxidants can lead to over thinning of the blood. Those on blood thinners or suffering from bleeding disorders should avoid consuming it in large quantities.

2. Tannins are water-soluble polyphenols found in tea. According to few studies, excess consumption of tannins can increase stomach upset, acid reflux and nausea. Tannin lowers folic acid and iron levels in the body, and research also suggests it decreases the absorption of nutrients.

3. Green tea, just like any other tea, contains some amount of caffeine. Hence, it should be consumed in moderation. If consumed in high quantities, it may cause headaches, dizziness, stomach problems, trouble sleeping or even liver damage in rare cases.


Compared to other types of hot beverages, green tea contains less caffeine and is high in antioxidants. When consumed in moderation, say 3 or 4 cups a day should be good for the body. However, we suggest consulting your doctor before you switch to Green tea to understand your body’s needs or if any of the ingredients/supplements would suit your body type or not.

All in all, green tea is a good way to switch to a healthy lifestyle, of course when consumed in moderation and with other practices of fitness like yoga, exercise, walking, or any other physical activity you prefer.

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