Superfoods – Flaxseed, Nuts and Seeds

Superfoods – Flaxseed, Nuts and Seeds

The most crucial aspect of your life is health, so why is that? Your life revolves around maintaining your health. The quality of your health affects every aspect of your life. The time has come. It’s time for each of us to be in charge of our own lives and health. You are alone and responsible for who you are. For the life, you build, for the decisions you make, and for your actions. We need to make the decision to lead healthy lives on a daily basis. We must begin to pay attention to our bodies and intuition, and we must decide to live deliberately enough to genuinely hear and recognise the messages.

In the process of weight loss nuts and seeds plays a vital role and flaxseeds are also one of those things which can be added to our diet plan when our mission is to shed kilos. These small brown seeds are rich in a fibre called mucilage, which lessens hunger, and craving and stops you from indulging in unhealthy munching. Is linseed the newest superfood? It may aid in the fight against diabetes, breast cancer, and heart disease, according to preliminary studies. Flaxseed is one of the oldest crops in the world including golden and brown, and both are equally nourishing and healthy.

Flaxseed are in rich in fibre and they may aid in promoting regular bowel motions and improving digestive health.

They provide an excellent amount of protein and are also very rich in fiber. These seeds are one of the best plant-based sources of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. They are also rich in fats. It helps to lower the risk of some diseases like cancer and helps to maintain a healthy weight.

Nuts and seeds benefit our health by providing a rich source of dietary fiber. They are a great source of many nutrients and are loaded with antioxidants.  Despite being a high-calorie snack, nuts may aid in weight loss, according to a study. For kids, nuts are a great food option. Adding nuts to your child’s diet has been shown to increase their consumption of protein, good fats, and fibre, according to research. They have multiple textures, flavor profiles, and nutrient profiles.

Here’s a list of the top 6 nuts and seeds to add to your diet-

  1.  Almonds-  They are rich in a number of important nutrients. Regular consumption of almonds improves gut and heart health.
  2. Pistachios- Vitamin B6 is one of many nutrients found in pistachios that your body requires for the immune system and nutrient metabolism. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substances are found in pistachios in good quantities. Additionally, they might cure other health indicators including blood pressure.
  3. Walnuts- These nuts are a great source of copper, which your body requires to make the enzymes necessary for the synthesis of neurotransmitters and energy. In addition, copper supports the formation of blood vessels and the immune system.
  4. Cashews- Cashews go well with both savory and sweet foods because of their crunchy texture and creamy mouthfeel. They can be consumed in raw, roasted, or in nut butter form. According to several research, cashews may lower blood pressure and lower blood fat levels. They also supply magnesium and manganese, as well as vitamin K.
  5. Hazelnuts- Hazelnuts are rich in plant components such as gallic acid, epicatechin, caffeic acid, and quercetin, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties in addition to being a strong source of vitamins and minerals.
  6. Peanuts- Although technically a legume, peanuts include a number of B vitamins and may lower your risk of heart disease. Peanuts are a good source of plant protein and high in folate, both of which can make you feel full.

We at ArogyaYatra focus on creating healthy wellness plans for each and every one of you which include Yoga workshops, meditation workshops, 15-Minute Arogya, nutrition diets, customized healthy recipes and a lot more.

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